Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sister Time

Sadie and Helena love to be together. Although they go to the same daycare, it doesn't seem like they see much of each other during the day. The preschool room is all the way at the other end of the building from the baby room.

Lately, they have been able to play with each other a little bit. Nell is becoming interested in toys and is very interactive with smiles and coos when Sadie talks or sings to her. Sadie especially loves it when we let her cuddle with Nellie before bedtime.

Thanks to Nana for this cute set of matching blanket sleepers!


kb said...

Are those PJs Carters? Sasha has a an outfit with a very similar cat on it. I love their stuff.

Ann said...

Yup, Carters. I love their stuff too...very cute and it lasts better than a lot of the more expensive brands.

Anonymous said...

The girls look so cute and comfy together! Love Nana

Anonymous said...

Adorable photos of Sadie and Nellie. It will be great fun to watch the two girls grow and bond in the coming years.