Friday, January 28, 2011

Sisterly Admiration

They love each so much...

A hopeful question from Helena: "When I'm a big girl, my name will be Sadie?"

A drawing by Sadie:

Monday, January 24, 2011

She Lost Her First Tooth!

Sadie was thrilled to lose her first tooth over the weekend.
She really did not want the tooth fairy to take the tooth away (she wants to show it to her classmates), so she drew a picture of a tooth, labeled it "take this" and put it under her pillow along with the tooth. Luckily, the tooth fairy understood. In the morning, the tooth was still there, the drawing was gone, and the tooth fairy had left a golden Sacagawea dollar coin.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ice Skating!

Originally uploaded by Dan and Ann
We went ice skating today on Occom Pond. Both girls really enjoyed skating and sledding on the golf course afterwards. Sadie liked her new skates (hand-me-downs from Sophie) and Helena did great in a pair of rented hockey skates.

On Sundays, members of the Dartmouth women's ice hockey team are at the pond to give free, informal lessons. The girls really enjoyed this!

(We also brought along our new Flip video camera. This video is HD, so you may need give it some time if you want to watch it.)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Quotable Helena

"I love OJ. And I also love orange juice."

Friday, January 14, 2011

Our New Room

Originally uploaded by Dan and Ann
We recently made our guest room into a playroom/den. We don't have too many overnight guests, so it made sense to replace the bed with a sofa-bed, bring in a big bookshelf and organize the girls' toys and crafts in there. The girls love playing in their playroom and snuggling together to watch movies.

Great idea, Grandpa!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snowday "Homeschool"

Snowday Homeschool
Originally uploaded by Dan and Ann
We are snowed in today, so I broke out some workbooks. We don't really have anything age-appropriate for Helena but she enjoyed an old dot-to-dot book that was Sadie and Sadie was super cute helping her out.

We're getting a lot of snow!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Mommy and Helena

A picture of Mommy by Helena:

A picture of Helena by Sadie:

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Trip to New York City!

We followed Christmas with a visit to Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Jenny and Uncle Andy in New York City.

Sadie, Grandpa, Daddy and Mommy got to see Mary Poppins on Broadway. It was fabulous. We all loved it.

Sadie, Helena, Grandma, Daddy and Mommy went on the Roosevelt Island tramway.

This was super fun.

And, we all (except for Uncle Andy) went to the Big Apple Circus.



Grandpa got us amazing seats and Jenny managed to get us a backstage tour!

What a fun time!

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!


2010 had a lot of happiness: Dan graduated, Jenny and Andy got married, Sadie and Helena continued to grow and thrive and we were very happy to welcome a nephew, the adorable "Baby Wes". We had some sad losses too, including Dan's grandfather Grampy, but in general, it was a good year. We are looking forward to lots of good things in 2011 and wish all of you a year filled with health and happiness.
