Friday, December 21, 2007


Up to the top of the hill with Daddy:
Here I go!
That was fun!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Quotable Sadie

"Mommy, I have the holiday spirit! What is the holiday spirit?"

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Holiday Party

Last night was Dan's department party, which is always a fun time. Dan and I get a kick out of the party being held at Food Court (the Dartmouth dining hall where we ate dinner almost every night in college) and Sadie loves seeing the other kids, getting a gift from Santa and dancing up a storm!

I like Santa...maybe

Sadie liked seeing Santa and getting a gift, but this picture perfectly captures her slight hesitancy about getting too close. Santa gave her a box of finger paints. Since we're snowed in today, the finger paints were a perfect morning activity to prevent cabin fever.

Friday, December 14, 2007

One for Me and One for You

sadie and nana

"Here Nana, you have the big tree and I will have this little baby tree for me!"

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Three Look-Alikes

Originally uploaded by Dan and Ann
Sadie, Daddy and BobBob having fun at the Christmas tree farm...this picture doesn't capture it as well as some others have, but the three of them have a strong resemblance to each other.

Over the past two nights, we have decorated our tree. Sadie really enjoyed helping Dan with the lights and the ornaments. The tree looks great.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Happy Hanukkah

Originally uploaded by Dan and Ann
Tonight was the last night of Hanukkah. We had a good holiday. Yesterday, Laura and I went to Sadie and Isaac's daycare and brought latkes, applesauce and dreidel sticker for the children in their class. We read some stories, sang the dreidel song and showed the class Sadie's wooden menorah and candles. The kids loved the applesauce and stickers. The latkes were popular with some but not with others. It was fun to visit and see the kids during their daily routine.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Fun in a Truck

Fun in a Truck
Originally uploaded by Dan and Ann
Nana and BobBob borrowed a pick-up truck from their friends and brought it up when we went out to the tree farm to get our Christmas trees. Sadie loved climbing into the truck and had a great time picking out our tree. Nana and BobBob got a nice big tree for Concord too!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Getting Near the Music

right up by the stage
Originally uploaded by Dan and Ann
We went to see Dan Zanes on Sadie's birthday. She started the concert a little tentative, but by the end, she wanted to be dancing right up by the stage. Daddy helped her get up to a little platform where she danced with a group of kids, including her friend Clara (in the red dress). You can see Dan Zanes in white pants and lime green jacket in the background, although Clara's arm cuts off his head.

Monday, December 03, 2007

She's 3!

Sadie is 3 years old! Here's the annual first thing in the morning, picture in bed.
1st Pic at age 3
We were only able to coax a half smile out of her because she was still wiped out from her party. Sadie had a roaring success of a 3rd birthday party the night before, with 25 friends and their associated parents. The kids ran around, bounced on the bounce house, climbed through all the gym equipment, ate a ton of pizza, ran some more, consumed a huge sheet cake in it's entirety, got party bags and went home happy.