Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Sadie Loved the Beach!

As promised, Mommy put up a new Sadie photo album. Sadie is doing so many new things these days - feeding herself finger foods, legit crawling, trying to pull wires out of the outlets, eating the remote control. It is fascinating to watch her learn new things. She's like a living development textbook.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Sadie thinks that sand is very tasty and thoroughly enjoyed her visit to Wallis Sands Beach with her Mommy, Daddy, Nana, Grampy and Auntie Kara.
Stay tuned for more beach photos and a new Ofoto album within the next day or so.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Cooling off

Doesn't looking at this picture make you feel cooler?

Sadie is a little water baby these days. She's loving her baby pool and taking nice long baths after a sweaty day. She's also taking swimming lessons twice a week with her friend Clayton and some other nice babies. Sadie loves most of the activities; kickboards, pool noodles, jumping into Mommy's arms, kicking her legs, front floating. She's not a big fan of back floating, which I think reminds her of lying on her back, which she also doesn't like much. Sadie has mixed feelings about raft play, where the babies are supposed to lay on their bellies on rafts. For Sadie, being on her belly means crawling, so that's what she tries to do and often ends up crawling right off the raft. No big deal though, she loves to be wet!

Swimming lessons make Sadie tired. After her lesson, she often falls asleep in the locker room and comes home and takes a 2 hour nap. That means Mommy gets to do her own thing for 2 hours! Hooray for swimming lessons.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Getting into mischief already...

Sadie climbs underneath the coffee table
Sadie can barely crawl, and she's already climbing under the coffee table. We could be in for trouble once she can walk!

Friday, July 15, 2005

Look what I can do!

I can get my own toys.

I can crawl into the underneath of the exersaucer.

I can tip over the toy basket and end up with the basket over my head. This one is not so fun!

I can drive a car!

Just kidding, I am only pretending to drive.

Friday, July 08, 2005

New Photo Album!

Here's the latest Sadie photo album. Enjoy!

Boxy Lady

I'm in a box!

Thursday, July 07, 2005

New York

We're back in New Hampshire after a fun long weekend in NYC and Connecticut. Sadie had a great time with Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Jenny, Friend Kevin, Auntie Lolly and Friend James. Some highlights were the swings in the Ridgefield Playground, a bath in the sink with Aunt Jenny, seeing Auntie Lolly's apartment, breakfast at EJs with Mommy and Daddy, walking through Central Park and looking at everything with big eyes.

Most of all, Sadie enjoyed her first concert...Stephen Malkmus and Yo La Tengo in Battery Park.