Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Sadie Loved the Beach!

As promised, Mommy put up a new Sadie photo album. Sadie is doing so many new things these days - feeding herself finger foods, legit crawling, trying to pull wires out of the outlets, eating the remote control. It is fascinating to watch her learn new things. She's like a living development textbook.


Anonymous said...

she's getting so tall!

Jake said...

Hey, I was just reading about Piaget earlier today. I needed these Sadie photos to get me through this paper I'm writing.

Sarah and Jack said...

Oh Sadie! We are so jealous you got to go the beach! I must take Jack back to FL very soon.

I cannot find those baby Mum Mums anywhere, but Jack adores the freeze dried corn pieces from Gerber also.

Thank you for visiting our blog!

Sarah and Jack