Thursday, September 29, 2005

She walks! (sort of)

Sadie can walk (with the aid of a push toy)! Here is a movie of her in action.

(As usual, you may need the latest version of Quicktime to see the movie.)

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Photo Album!

Here is a new album of Sadie pics from August and September.


Mommy's homemade maple squash is so good that Sadie likes to put her leftovers on her head.

Monday, September 26, 2005

She was trying to be nice

After our big trip to NYC, we came home and made a quick stop at our friends' place for a birthday party (Isaac was turning 3 weeks old, his dad was turning 30-something). Sadie was very eager make friends with little Isaac. You can see Sadie's overture of friendship on Isaac's blog. Look for the link on the right side of this page, scrolling down a little bit.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Congratulations, Kate and Ryan!

I'm smiling because Mommy and Daddy's friend Kate is engaged!
And also because I am a nudie on the loose!

Sunday, September 18, 2005


Today, we hosted a brunch for some of Sadie's baby friends. These are all friends we made through 4th Trimester, the drop in group for new babies and their mommies. Amy started gathering our email addresses and one thing led to another. Now, we try to get together for brunch every month or so.
This is Tavyn in the black t-shirt (11 months), Katie in aqua top and khakis (almost 10 months), Sadie in denim jumper (9 months) and Clayton in plaid shirt (8 months).

It was great hanging out with the parents and watching the kids play. Sadie shared her toys nicely, although she commandeered the little wooden fish toy that Katie brought with her. She really had fun with so many babies to play with. She even let her friends use her high chair and her booster seat for their lunches.

The favorite toy of the day was the wooden busy box. Here, Sadie and Katie play with it together.

After everyone left, Dan and I agreed, "We should have people over more often." So, maybe you'll get invited over one day soon!

Who needs toys?

Sadie has a great collection of toys but some of her favorite things to play with aren't toys.

-plastic baby clothing hangers
-small tupperware container, preferably with some Cheerios inside
-car keys
-egg carton (as seen above)
-plastic card, such as Coop Membership Card
-plastic cup
-cardboard beer coaster
and the number one favorite:
-paper, especially newspapers or magazines

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Go Lebanon HS Raiders!

Friday night, Sadie went to her first football game, Lebanon vs. Somersworth. She had a great time, so we think she'll enjoy Dartmouth football games even more, especially since they are in the daytime.

The cheerleaders threw mini footballs into the crowd. Daddy got one for Sadie.

We left after the 3rd quarter, with Lebanon winning. The final score was 29 to 0. Go Raiders!


Not Sadie's prettiest moment, but she wanted to show off her top teeth. As you can see, the side ones have arrived before the front ones, so she appears to have fangs.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Busy week

We had a very nice, relaxing Labor Day weekend, which brought a definite change in the weather. There is just a little hint of fall in the air. We took a walk from our house to downtown Lebanon, where we played on the swings and then had lunch at Salt Hill.

That nice weekend was followed by a very busy week, as Mommy went back to her academic year work schedule, Daddy is hard at work in the lab and Sadie is learning lots of new things like standing, feeding herself, turning the pages of books and, as of last night, actually stopping what she is doing when we say "No". One more exciting thing happened this week; our friends A and L had their little boy, Isaac, who will be a friend for Sadie and also one of her daycare "classmates" when his mommy goes back to work in a few months. Welcome to the world, baby Isaac!

Saturday, September 03, 2005

9 Months old

Yesterday was Sadie's 9 month birthday. She's now been out as long as she was in. Doesn't she look grown-up?

3 months and 1 day ago, 6 month birthday.

6 months and 1 day ago, 3 month birthday.

9 months ago and 1 day ago, birth day.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

She listened to me!

I asked her to come out and play with me, and she came out. Welcome to the world, my friend Gilly!