Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Busy Little Bee

Helena is super-mobile these days and into everything. Despite her wide selection of lovely baby toys, she usually gravitates towards something of Sadie's. This colorful recorder is a favorite of hers.



Yes, she is standing independently and occasionally taking one step before falling down. We will probably have another early walker.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Compare/Contrast II

Sadie and Nellie, same shirt, same activity...
(Sadie: 7 months old, Nellie: 9 months old)

Sadie under table

Nellie undertable

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day

Rock Smile
Originally uploaded by Dan and Ann
Sadie loves playing on the rocks behind our house...she has named them all: Spook Rock, Family Rock, Cliff Rock, The Other Cliff Rock, etc. Here, she's playing on Cliff Rock.

We're so happy the spring is finally coming because both girls love to be outside.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Fun in the Sun

Originally uploaded by Dan and Ann
We got a baby swing for the swing set and Nellie loves it. It's got a 5 point harness so she's nice and secure, which means Sadie can push her!

We enjoyed the nice weather on Sunday and played in the backyard a lot. I think the swingset is going to get a lot of use this spring and summer by both girls. We also brought out the little climber/slide for Nellie.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Re-Cap

We all had a very nice Easter with Nana, Bob-Bob, Grammy, Grampy, Kara, Kyle, Karen, Barry, and cousins Anabel ("the big one") and Sophie ("the other one").

Sadie dyes eggs at Nana's (we also did some at home, but didn't take pictures):
Coloring Eggs

The highlight of Sadie's Easter basket was her very own DVD of The Sound of Music:

Helena playing at Grammy and Grampy's:
Stand up
(Sadie wore this same dress at Easter when she was 15 months old...it was a lot longer on 9 month Nellie.)

Egg hunt at Grammy and Grampy's:
Egg Hunt

Nellie looking for an egg:
Crawling for eggs

Nellie and her great-grandparents:
Nellie and great-grandparents

Sadie, Anabel and Sophie enjoyed Easter dinner at the kid's table:
Kids Table

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Meet the Illustrator

Today, we got to meet DB Johnson, the author and illustrator of some wonderful children's books...we especially like Zuzu's Wishing Cake and Four Legs Bad, Two Legs Good. As part of a show of children's book illustrations, he was doing a reading at Spheris Gallery in Hanover.

The floor of the lower level of the gallery was covered with paper for children to draw on.

DB Johnson was very, very nice.

He signed Sadie's copy of Four Legs Bad, Two Legs Good.

It says "For Sadie, who has two legs! Best wishes, DB Johnson" and he drew Duck from the book!

We had a great time.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Passover Re-Cap

We had a very nice Passover this year, with an early seder with Grandpa, Grandma, Jenny and Andy and then a seder on actual Passover with Andy, Laura, Isaac, Naomi and some other friends.

Sadie, Nellie, Jenny and Grandma make charoset for the seder in Connecticut:
Passover 2009

Sadie relaxes before the seder:
Passover 2009

Seder time:
Passover 2009

Sadie and Helena before the seder at Isaac's house:
Passover 2009
(Thank you Auntie Kara for the matching dresses!)

Sadie and Isaac at the kids' table:
Passover 2009

Sadie found the afikkomen:
Passover 2009

We had a lot of fun!
And now, on to the Easter celebrations...

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Helena, 9 months old

Helena is nine months old today. Here is our sweet girl this weekend, wearing a dress that Ann wore as a baby.
Helena, 9 months

Nine months ago today: