Monday, October 06, 2008

Cuter by the Minute

Cutie Nellie
Originally uploaded by Dan and Ann
Nell has reached the age in babyhood where she is getting cuter and cuter everyday. She's full of smiles and is trying to laugh. So far, all we get is a little "heh!" but the giggles are on their way. She's reaching for toys and starting to notice her own hands and feet. She loves to "sit up" and stand with support, just like Sadie did when she was a baby. She is eagerly trying to roll over but hasn't managed it yet. If we put her down on her back on her playmat, she tries and tries to roll to her front. Tomorrow, she'll be 3 months old.

Just FYI, although it looks like it in this picture, Nellie does not have gigantic feet. I just bought these furry boots in a larger size so they would last through the winter.


Lolly said...

Are you suggesting there is something wrong with gigantic feet? :)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful smile! Nana

Anonymous said...

Great job catching this cute smile.