Friday, November 17, 2006

Baby's First Hibachi Dinner

Sadie and Isaac were mesmerized by their first hibachi dinner at Koto tonight.
They were wide-eyed with amazement as the chef made music with the knives, created a big flame, made a tower out of onions and then prepared our meals. They both chowed down on big dinners of edamame, noodles, chicken and vegetables, especially zucchini. And, their amazement meant that the parents got to eat in relative peace.


Anonymous said...

Here's to peaceful moments ! Shabbat Shalom! Sadie, thanks for singing to me on the phone today. I just loved your "Twinkle, Twinkle" Lots of love, Grandma and Grandpa

diana said...

yeap! we are regulars at koto. it's one of a couple places where we can take the twins and actually have a relatively civilized dinner. perhaps we will see you guys there in the future!!

Anonymous said...

I wish we had one of those where we live, now!

Anonymous said...

We got a similar reaction when we brought Ry4an's 14 year old cousin to a place like that. She's from Minot, ND and had never seen anything like it.