Thursday, October 11, 2007

University of Illinois

We had a really fun trip to Urbana Champaign, Illinois to visit Lolly and James. It's a neat city...we enjoyed seeing the campus and walking around in different neighborhoods. Their apartment is in an old school and it's beautiful with high pressed tin ceilings and exposed brick. Sadie said that James' engineering building was "gorgeous", which cracked everyone up.

Daddy put Sadie on the famous "Alma Mater" statue on campus.

She got a little nervous so high up, so Mommy climbed up to join her.
alma mater


Anonymous said...

cute picture! Sadie was so funny when she saw a picture of the satue in the restaurant and said " Look the Ladies!" Love Nana

Kara said...

Looks like you guys had a fun trip! xoxo,

Lolly said...

Thanks so much for coming to visit us, Dan, Ann & Sadie! We had so much fun!