Saturday, September 30, 2006

Weekend Fun

Sadie was being extra cute this morning, playing with her toys and giving lots of snuggles. Daddy got this picture of Sadie posing by the kitchen door.

Yesterday, Sadie was playing quietly near the front door while Mommy looked through a magazine. When I looked over to make sure all was well (it was very quiet), I saw that she had stuck almost an entire sheet of return address labels all over the door! What a proud expression she had on her face. Peeling them all off was a fun naptime activity for me. We have a genuine toddler on our hands!

Nana stopped by for a quick visit this afternoon and we went for a walk in Hanover. Sadie had fun exploring the green.


Sarah and Jack said...

Oh man, I am always a little bit afraid of Jack's current love affair with stickers for exactly that reason.

Anonymous said...

Sadie, I had fun with you in Hanover. I love how you sing the ABC song. Love ,Nana