Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Report: First Week of New School

Sadie is loving her new daycare, Mimo, which she calls "Mimo School". We are loving it as well. Mimo is walking distance from our house, or a very, very short drive, so it's easy for either Mommy or Daddy to do the drop offs and pick ups. Sadie has had happy departure from us each morning as she runs into the Big Room (a large room with climbing toys, little bikes and other physical toys) to meet her teacher Stefanie and see the other children.

(Sadie enjoying breakfast before a busy day at Mimo)

Every day, we get a Activity Report from her teacher. It's fun for us to read about what she did during the day. Here is an excerpt from yesterday's report: "Sadie had a good day. She played in the Big Room. She ate a yummy snack. She liked circle time. We read books and sang songs. She loved going for a walk and playing outside."

(Heading to the car on her first day at Mimo)

Sadie does love the regular walks her group takes in a big wagon. The playground is full of great equipment and lots of space to run around. Yesterday, when I picked her up, she was wearing one of her back-up outfits. She had had so much fun playing at the playground and had gotten so muddy and dirty they decided to change her when they came in. Muddy clothes=proof she's having a blast!

(Relaxing in Isaac's hammock over the weekend)


Kristin said...

Sadie, I am so glad to hear that you are enjoying your new school. I can't wait to hear all about it when I see you soon.

Anonymous said...

Oh how great!!!! We are so glad that she is enjoying herself. She is a very happy and capable child and we give much credit to her great parents!! LOTS OF LOVE, Grandma and Grandpa

Anonymous said...

Sadie, I'm glad that you are having so much fun at "Mimo School." Don't let the boys push you around!

Anonymous said...

I really hope that I can find a place that sounds so terrific when I go back to work! Love the hammock photo, btw :)

John said...

That hammock photo ROCKS! And I'm glad that she is enjoying her daycare!

Anonymous said...

Sadie- It sounds like you are having fun at Mimo's! I'll bet they love having you there! I miss you. Love nana

Sarah and Jack said...

Oh man, that hammock photo is too much. Does she say "cheese!" for pictures yet?

Anonymous said...

I'm so curious, what's the difference between school, nursery school, preschool, and daycare? We (Liz and I :) went to nursery school until we started kindergarden at age 5. Now it seems so many 2, 3, and 4 year olds go to just plain old school. Is it just like our old nursery school or is there something different?

Dan said...

Yeah, everyone just calls it school now. Probably because it is easier for the kids to say than nursery school. Sadie is actually in more of a daycare setting now, but when he turns 3 it becomes more school-like. But since it's all in the same building, we call it school. And it's funnier to hear Sadie say she is going to school than daycare.

Anonymous said...

It is pretty cute to think of Sadie packing up and heading off to school.

Thanks for clarifying though - my coworker always talks about her 4 year old and 1 year old going to 'school' and I was beginning to think she was pushing them a bit much...

Anonymous said...

You might want to read the NH Bureau of Licensing report that just came out on Mimo. I was in shock myself. Not good news