Thursday, September 14, 2006


Sadie loves putting on our shoes and trying to walk. It's a very funny sight.

It's much easier in Daddy's sneakers than it is wearing Mommy's boots.


Anonymous said...

But the boots are SO much more stylish! I guess Sadie's already learning that looking fashionable isn't always so easy.

Anonymous said...

Even in Indiana I enjoy seeing pictues of Sadie and her latest adventures. Have fun at the wedding this weekend. I'll try to keep you updated on my golf.

Jake said...

Don't worry Sadie, I think most of us would have trouble walking in those boots.

Sarah and Jack said...

It's so funny how Jack and Sadie seem to be interested in the same things at the same time. Some sort of cosmic fate? LOL I had just taken a photo of Jack doing that a week or so ago, and he still loves doing it.

Anonymous said...

SUPER CUTE LOVE, Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Jenny