Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Product Review

This is my first time reviewing a product because this was my first time I was given an item to try and then review on my blog! I was given a very nice set of MilkBank products. These are a new brand of bottles and storage containers for breastmilk. Since I'm working, I pump milk for Nellie and she drinks it the next day at daycare.

My favorite thing about the MilkBank products is the vacuum pump for the storage bottles. You put the milk into the bottle and then use a little pump to pump out the air. It's like one of the those vacu-vin wine savers, if you have ever used that. The milk stays fresher and there is a very satisfying pop sound when you open up the milk later on.

I also like that it's orange and white...fun looking! The one drawback is that you can't pump the milk directly into the MilkBank bottles. Thanks for letting me try this,citymama. I really like it and am using it a lot. I would buy this as a gift for any mom who I knew was going to pump.

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