Friday, February 27, 2009

Conversation with Sadie

Sadie: Mama, what's the gradypresson?
Mama: What? I don't know. Can you say it again?
Sadie: Gradypresson. Barack Obama said it on TV. On a commercial.
Mama (lightbulb finally going on): Oh, the Great Depression? It was a time a long time ago in America when a lot of people didn't have jobs so they didn't have money.
Sadie: When you was a little girl in New York?
Mama: No, a long time ago, before Grandma and Grandpa and Nana and Bob-Bob were born.
Sadie: Barack Obama said he was going to make some jobs.
Mama: Yes, people want to have jobs so they can have money to buy things for their families.
Sadie: It's like "Millions Mister"*.
Mama: Yes, that's exactly right.
Sadie: Mama, let's play that song right now.

*Song from the 1930s that's on the Dan Zanes album "Catch That Train"

[Dan Edit: I put a link to the song lyrics]


Kara said...
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Kara said...

I am sitting here with Lolly and she thinks that Sadie can walk right into an honors history class at waltham high. What a smarty pants, that is a great story. So cute. We miss you guys. xoxo Aunties Kara, and Lolly and Uncles James and Kyle

Anonymous said...

Amazing, absolutely amazing love you all and miss you all, Grandma and Grandpa

Kara said...

Ok great addition with the link, I am still absolutely amazed as well. Pretty soon she'll be writing her own blog!!! Love Kara

Anonymous said...

Sadie is so observant!! Love, Nana and Bob- Bob