Saturday, November 01, 2008

Halloween Recap

We started the day with store-to-store trick or treating in Hanover. I had to do a couple of errands in Hanover, so we multi-tasked.
Candy at Eastman's
Most of the Hanover stores had candy for trick or treaters. The bookstore was giving out adorable canvas trick or treat bags.
At Lou's, all the waitresses were in costume. Sadie was mesmerized and delighted. We also saw a Dartmouth student dressed up like a crayon and the front desk ladies at the Hanover Inn were the three little pigs.

Helena slept through our entire trek through Hanover, which was great because the next activity was for her. It was a baby costume party. These are the babies that Nell became friends with at the new baby group when she was a newborn. Now they all look so big!
More babies
Sadie was a great big sister at the party. She was nice to all the babies, ate a pumpkin muffin and then played so well by herself.
Sisters and pumpkin muffin
Nell fell asleep after the baby party.
Sleepy after the baby party

This was our day up until 11:30. I'll post about the afternoon later. There are many Halloween pics on Flickr, so be sure to visit.