Friday, May 16, 2008

Friday with Mama

nice expression
Fridays are Mama-days* for Sadie...we spend the day together doing a combination of errands and something fun. Today was a very typical one...errands, a morning snack at King Arthur Flour, a few more chores and then Library Lunch at the Norwich Public Library. Sadie almost always falls asleep in the car on the way home from the library and naps for a couple hours. After nap, we usually go grocery shopping.
quizzical look

These pictures are from the outdoor eating area at King Arthur. In the second one, Sadie said, "I am going to pretend to wonder where I am."

*The possibilities are school-day, Mama-day or family-day...occasionally, there is a Buddy-day, which is what Sadie calls a day with Dan. More often, there is Buddy-time during a family-day.


Anonymous said...

Looks like the 34th time is a charm! Also, maybe she is preparing for the next America's Top Model. So cute, glad you ladies had a nice time together! Love,Kara

Anonymous said...

sounds like a wonderful Mama-day and these pictures are just adorable. I was just wondering about you and was so happy to see these precious pictures. Thank you for sharing them with us. We are looking forward to seeing you all next week! Lots of love, Grandma and Grandpa

Sarah and Jack said...

Haha! Jack is staring to make those sort of comments too. A lot of his are involving wishing, ie, I wish I was that turtle right now!

Lolly said...

Mama days sound fun! I'd love to see some Buddy-day pics too!