Saturday, May 17, 2008

Farmer's Market!

buying honey
Originally uploaded by Dan and Ann
Finally, a Saturday with nice weather, which means that I really want to go to the Farmer's Market and that I will be grumpy all day if I don't go. So, we went.

Sadie didn't want to leave. She walked all around. She helped us choose some hanging baskets of flowers. She sampled every available kind of cheese, bread, etc. She refused to sample any jam or jelly but she ate a plain saltine while we sampled jams. She may be the only 3 year old I have ever heard of who does not eat jam or jelly in any permutation.

Here, she is buying a bottle of local honey. Yum.


Kristin said...

So much fun! I cannot wait to get back to California for the farmer's markets - they are my favorite!

Lolly said...

Yay for farmer's markets! I got the world's best kettle corn today at mine!

Anonymous said...

Hooray for the sunshine, the Farmer's Market and family fun! Love you lots! Love, Grandma and Grandpa