Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Enjoying the Playground

nyc playground
Originally uploaded by Dan and Ann
This playground is just a few blocks from my parents' apartment. Sadie loves it. It's got a huge play structure, a sandbox and lots of swings. In the hot weather, there are also elephant sculptures that spray water. but they weren't turned on this weekend.

We were going to take her to Central Park that afternoon but got stymied by the closure of 5th Avenue and many of the park entrances. The Pope was going to come up 5th Avenue on his way back to where he was staying. It was a very good thing that we had taken Sadie for some playtime in the morning!

In a strange coincidence, this play structure is identical to the one at the elementary school in Hanover except that this one is sort of aqua colored and the Hanover one is yellow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's nice that the weather was so accommodating for your trip. Is that Isaac behind Sadie? I can't tell.