Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Mini Golf

golf lesson
Originally uploaded by Dan and Ann
We took Sadie mini golfing on Sunday with Nana and Bob Bob. Two year olds do not exactly understand golf...Sadie loved picking up the balls and giving them back to whoever hit them or gathering the balls and dropping them in the hole. She put her ball into the water hazards on purpose. She had a great time playing her version of golf!


Kristin said...

Sadie looks super cute in her yellow dress and purple shoes! Sadie's version of mini-golf does sound a bit more fun, who needs rules!

Anonymous said...

Sadie definitely wanted to play by her rules which means NO rules. However, she was very polite listening to my instructions about stance and grip. I'll have to keep the lessons low key until she's a bit older.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic! She is just the sweetest, cutest, best child! Love all the new pictures! Love, Grandma and Grandpa

GEB said...

Hee hee. Edith's grandparents took her golfing last month, too, and she couldn't figure out why they were making such heavy weather of getting the ball into the hole--just pick it up and put it in! Sounds like she and Sadie would enjoy a round together.