Thursday, June 07, 2007



Sadie looks very much like a little girl sitting on her new deck chair. She likes to use it in the house, but we'll bring it out to the deck when it's sunny and warm.

Sadie had a school picture taken last week. It came out really well. When we get the prints back, we'll post one. The photographer told the children to say "fish cookies!" as she took the pictures. Sadie now likes to say "fish cookies" whenever I take the camera out.

We pick up our first CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) box today. We are splitting a share from Luna Bleu Farm with Isaac, Laura and Andy. Today's delivery is supposed to include lettuce, spinach, scallions and bok choy.

1 comment:

Sarah B. said...

Hi! Sadie looks so much older than 2.5 in that picture! Such a cutie.

We have really enjoyed Luna Bleu (even if we got a little tired of root vegetables in the fall and winter). It's great splitting a share with friends, though. That way, you can share recipes, too. I just found a recipe for a parsnip spice cake to use up a bag of parsnips that's been residing in my fridge for a bit too long...