Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Not Hesitant

One think you can say about Sadie is that she is not hesitant to try new things. On Saturday evening, we went to the Norwich Green for a summer solstice concert and fair. She wanted to take part in everything.

She wanted to walk on this beam with the fire juggler. He asked her if she wanted to do it, she said yes and went off without a backwards glace to Daddy.

She climbed through a set of arches in the kid's play area.

Her favorite thing was probably the Morris dancing. One of the dancers showed her what to do.


She lined up with the other dancers.

And she managed to do it pretty well!

Do you notice that she is not wearing shoes? She saw an older girl who was barefoot, so Sadie immediately removed her own shoes.


Anonymous said...

You guys always seem to find such great things to do. Thanks for sharing pictures of Sadie's latest adventures.

diana said...

yeah. i know that copying/imitation is a form of learning, but it nevertheless makes me anxious as a parent. copying 'good' habits is one thing, copying 'bad' habits is a whole other obstacle. right now, i see L & S copying and it's very cute but i can see that it will be a lot less cute when they get a little older. ;)

Anonymous said...

Sadie you are super!!!!