Saturday, March 25, 2006


Here are a couple funny things about Sadie:

  • She says "muk" instead of "mina" for milk. I think most of you would be able to understand what she means, too.
  • The other day, I was singing along to the radio when I was strapping her into her car seat. "I Want You to Want Me" by the immortal Cheap Trick was playing. When I got to the title line, Sadie pushed my face away with her hands and angrily said "No! Mine!"
  • If you are walking along with Sadie outside and she sees or hears a bird, she will immediately become rooted to the spot at which she is standing, point to the sky and say "birdie" over and over. If you whistle like a bird, she will do the same thing. This makes it a bit difficult to walk anywhere with her.

1 comment:

Sarah and Jack said...

Ha ha! The birdie thing sounds just like Jack except for us it is "Dog! Woof! Woof! Dog!" He is bit obsessed with dogs. :-) (And "get down." Everything right now is about get down. Even when he is down he wants to get down.)