Sunday, September 07, 2008

Visiting the Great-Grandparents

On Saturday, Sadie and Helena went to visit their great-grandparents.

Grammy and Grampy are Bob-Bob's parents and Sadie was very interested that they live in the house where Bob-Bob lived when he was a little boy named Bobby and that Grammy and Grampy are his mommy and daddy. Sadie has visited Grammy and Grampy many times before, but I think this was the first time she connected the family relationship.

This was the first time that Grammy and Grampy met Helena and it was a very happy meeting for everyone. The girls were incredibly good, despite the hot and humid weather and the early start to the day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome pics, looks like you guys had a great day. Sorry we missed you guys but we enjoying having Dan for the game! Love Kara