Monday, June 23, 2008

School Picnic

This year, we had lovely warm weather for Sadie's daycare picnic at Storrs Pond. She had a great time playing in the water and sand with her classmates.

big bucket

Another child's grandfather made an amazing sand bridge/river/pool thing. He let all the children work on it. Sadie really enjoyed helping. Sadie loves this purple bucket from Nana, but when it's full of water, it is so heavy! However, she persevered. Actually, we're frequently surprised at what heavy things she manages to lift or move. She can easily open the fridge and remove the entire gallon of milk...luckily, we had always been able to catch her before she tries to pour herself a glassful, but I'm sure I will be mopping milk off the floor one of these days!

The food is always yummy at the's a potluck and people bring really good things. One of Sadie's teacher's does catering on the side and brought pulled pork and coleslaw. A family brought two big trays of homemade dumplings, one tray of fried and one of steamed. Someone else made mini cheesecakes with fresh fruit on top. I took the easy route and Sadie and I made rice krispie treats.

surfer girl
She got a lot of compliments on her swimsuit...thanks Grandma!


Kara said...

Looks like lots of fun and that swimsuit with the matching shirt is so cute!

Anonymous said...

Summer is good! Keep enjoying it! We love you all, Grandma and Grandpa