Friday, January 19, 2007

Assortment of Sadie

Just an assortment of recent snapshots...

happy breakfast
Sadie enjoys a breakfast of Puffins cereal and milk. She calls this "penguin ce-yul". In her hair, she is wearing a little plastic, retro style barrette. When I was little, these came in a package of all different shapes, sometimes animals, sometimes bows/flowers. The only ones I can find are all butterflies.

pretend camera
Just a few minutes later, Sadie pretends her bracelet is a camera. Very post-modern...I am photographing her and she is photographing me at the same time. Note the spilled milk down her shirt-front. We changed shirts before daycare.

in the playhouse
In her playhouse on Monday. She brought so many toys and dolls into the house she barely had room for herself.

A serious expression, but I think she looks pretty. When she wears this sweatshirt, she calls the pictures on it "tattoos". She never says this about any other item of clothing.

dancing octopus
We lent this costume (from Halloween '05) to a friend. When they returned it, Sadie wanted to put it on. It still fits!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the variety of photos showing how Sadie spends her days. She certainly seems like a happy little girl. Please make sure that the "tattoos" are always on her clothing as she grows up!

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, great pics, she sure is photogenic! Have a nice weekend, talk to you when I get back from vacation. GO PATS!!! Love, Kara

Anonymous said...

I think she looks pretty, too! Rosy cheeks are "in" every year to me. :)
