As a treat, I made some hot chocolate. Sadie had never had hot chocolate before and she was a little hesitant to try it because she hates anything hot. Of course, hers was just barely warm, because I had diluted the hot cocoa with cold milk. She finally took a little sip from Mommy's cup.
She liked it! No, she loved it and drank her whole cup of "hot chocolee!" And she was wide awake and chattering to the toys in her crib until nearly 9:30 that night. This child is sensitive to caffeine!
I chuckled reading the "hot chocolee" story. It reminded me of the chocolate truffle that Sadie ate after having her picture taken with Santa. The chatter over the baby monitor that evening was hilarious. Sadie's calls of "I need help!" still make me laugh.
How funny with the hot chocolate. It looks like Sadie liked it a lot! I love her fancy new ponytail.
Thanks for stopping by our blog. In answer to your question the girls have 4 older cousins, the closest in age is 3. But, they all live far away in Kentucky and Indiana. I was lucky enough to grow up with my 4 girl cousins only a mile away. They are the closest thing I have to sisters. I miss them a lot. Someday, maybe we will move closer to each other.
This was actually posted by Ann, by the way.
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