We're amazed at how much Sadie likes this story. It takes at least 15 minutes to read it out loud and the illustrations are black and white drawings, but she happily listens the whole time.
Here, Sadie is reading it to her doll Peddy. Her favorite part is the last line of book, when Sal calls out *"Clam chowder for lunch!", which is the translation of the title above.
Does Sadie eat "cam chowdah"? Maybe she likes Maine because of the fun you have on your Maine vacations. Keep reading to Sadie. I'm anxious to see if she learns to read earlier than Dan.
Sadie, that was one of Auntie Lolly's favorite books too. WE started reading it after she lost her first tooth when we were on vacation in Maine! Love Nana
Sadie had some "cam chowdah" when we were in Maine this summer, but I don't think she's had any since then!
See, I'm amazed that Madeline likes plot-thin Dora books :) I'll have to see if the library has a copy of "One Morning in Maine" ...
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