It was a copy of "Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus". We love this story. Nana has a copy at her house and we have taken it out of the library before. Sadie was thrilled to have one to keep. She was also delighted with the giftwrap, which she announced was a "hehban cown" (headband crown) and immediately put on her head. Nice '80s look, right?
Thanks for thinking of her, Liz!
Please keep de-lurking! We are loving all the comments.
That's the best headband ever - hee hee!
We have that book and Samuel loves it too! I'm not kidding, he really does enjoy this book - must be the simple illustrations because I don't think he get the humor of the book yet :)
Love, Beth
The headband crown is great! And look at all that hair Sadie has now! She is a doll. :)
Leah (aka Maisie's mom!)
Sadie loves that book. I love reading it to her when she snuggles up close! Nana
when I read that book to my first graders we were crying by the end because we were laughing so hard. They got it!
Nana O'Neill
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