Nell had a great check-up. She weighs 15 lbs, 7 oz. Her doctor was pleased with all her milestones. Nellie had a great time and was smiling and cooing at everyone up until she got her shots. She was none to pleased about that. Sadie couldn't bear to watch her baby get poked, so I took her out to pick out Nellie's book and Dan stayed for the shots.
We took the opportunity to measure and weigh Sadie while we were there. We're hoping that Sadie will grow out of her carseat and into a car booster right around the time that Nell grows out of her baby seat so that Nell can move into Sadie's carseat. It looks likes it's going to work out perfectly.
Yipes stripes--Sadie and Nellie look cute in their PJ's. Glad to hear the 4-month check-up went well. I hope Nellie recovered quickly from her shots.
I think Nellie is looking a lot more like Ann these days.
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