She's been growing so fast and doing lots of new things. On Friday, she rolled over from her back to her front for the first time and slammed her face hard into the floor. She was not pleased. It may be some time before she tries that again! She's starting to sit on her own. She smiles, giggles and screeches with delight. She also coos and gurgles. It's pretty cute. She has lots of cute baby chub. Her four month appointment is this week and we are eager to see how much she weighs.
We borrowed an exersaucer from the Isaac/Naomi family and Nell loves being in it. She has been having a great time with it all weekend.*
She and Sadie are loving each other a ton.
Sadie's learning how she can play with Helena and do things the baby likes. Helena remains very cooperative to Sadie's ideas for activities. She actually really enjoyed being rocked in this doll cradle.
And now for Quotable Sadie (or, PreLiteracy Sadie):
Dan: Sadie, what's a word that starts with "i"?
Sadie: iTunes!
Sadie is having a literacy explosion over the past 10 days and can read a bunch of words. And she understands us when we spell. Yikes!
*Yes, we used to own an exersaucer, but we lent it to Aquila, Sadie's old daycare provider, and it got broken.
Wow! It sounds like lots is happening with our little girls and we just can't wait to see them on Thanksgiving weekend! That is great and they are adorable! Much love, Grandma and Grandpa
Sadie is too funny with her "iTunes" answer. Let us know how much Helena weighs later in the week. She certainly looks healthy.
Hey guys,
Love the stories and photos...Sadie is a comic relief. Kara and I are looking forward to seeing the four of you this weekend. Go Green!
Gosh, Sadie is truly has her finger on the pulse of pop culture :)
I love Helena's chub, but is she wearing a bathing cap in the first photo?
It's a washcloth on her head. Sadie thinks she should keep her head covered in the bath because she's bald.
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