Sunday, November 30, 2008


Parade Amazement
Originally uploaded by Dan and Ann
We had a great Thanksgiving in NYC. The train was a perfect way to travel with little kids and much more relaxing than driving. We'll get some more pictures up soon.

Sadie is staring at the Dora The Explorer balloon at the Parade. She really loved the parade this year and was very into all the balloons and floats.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Early Birthday, Take Two

Party Hats
Originally uploaded by Dan and Ann
We celebrated another early birthday for Sadie this weekend with Nana and Bob-Bob. Nana found these party hats leftover from one of Auntie Lolly's birthdays when she was a little girl. Nellie was a surprisingly good sport about wearing the party hat and Sadie was delighted.

We had a fun time in Concord, visiting with Nana and Bob-Bob. Tomorrow, we're off on the train to NYC for Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Story Time with Daddy

Sadie and Nell love to hear stories. It's nice to relax with Daddy after a busy day.
Daddy and Girls
They are enjoying the little books from the Maurice Sendak Nutshell Library.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Fun Weekend

We had a fun weekend with Auntie Kara and Almost-Uncle Kyle. Although the weather was rainy and Dartmouth football was terrible, we still had a great time. The highlight for Sadie was her "unbirthday party". They won't see Sadie on her real birthday, so we celebrated this weekend.
early birthday
Kara and Kyle brought an ice cream cake and lots of great presents. This was Sadie's first time having ice cream cake and she was delighted. Thank you so much!
Nell was really happy to see them too!
happy helena
Thanks for visiting us...we had a great time. We'll see you in just a few more weeks at Lauren and James's wedding!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Fun in the striped PJs:



Little and Big


Nell had a great check-up. She weighs 15 lbs, 7 oz. Her doctor was pleased with all her milestones. Nellie had a great time and was smiling and cooing at everyone up until she got her shots. She was none to pleased about that. Sadie couldn't bear to watch her baby get poked, so I took her out to pick out Nellie's book and Dan stayed for the shots.

We took the opportunity to measure and weigh Sadie while we were there. We're hoping that Sadie will grow out of her carseat and into a car booster right around the time that Nell grows out of her baby seat so that Nell can move into Sadie's carseat. It looks likes it's going to work out perfectly.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Helena is 4 Months/Quotable Sadie

Our little Nellie is four months old!
She's been growing so fast and doing lots of new things. On Friday, she rolled over from her back to her front for the first time and slammed her face hard into the floor. She was not pleased. It may be some time before she tries that again! She's starting to sit on her own. She smiles, giggles and screeches with delight. She also coos and gurgles. It's pretty cute. She has lots of cute baby chub. Her four month appointment is this week and we are eager to see how much she weighs.

We borrowed an exersaucer from the Isaac/Naomi family and Nell loves being in it. She has been having a great time with it all weekend.*

She and Sadie are loving each other a ton.
Sadie's learning how she can play with Helena and do things the baby likes. Helena remains very cooperative to Sadie's ideas for activities. She actually really enjoyed being rocked in this doll cradle.

And now for Quotable Sadie (or, PreLiteracy Sadie):
Dan: Sadie, what's a word that starts with "i"?
Sadie: iTunes!

Sadie is having a literacy explosion over the past 10 days and can read a bunch of words. And she understands us when we spell. Yikes!

*Yes, we used to own an exersaucer, but we lent it to Aquila, Sadie's old daycare provider, and it got broken.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Sadie in the News

This is our local weekly paper, the Connecticut Valley Spectator, which we rarely read. My co-worker subscribes and she noticed this picture of Sadie. With the excitement of the election, I had forgotten about the photographer who took Sadie's picture and hadn't checked to see if it was published. I hurried out and bought a few copies.


I feel like we're all winners since Barack Obama won on Tuesday night. I'm so happy that Obama will create Sadie and Helena's first memories of what a president is. I feel good that a father of daughters and the husband of a strong, smart woman will be in the White House. I know he'll make decisions thinking of what would make a better world for his girls and it will be good for my girls too.

I'm pleased to announce that the voting post contest winner is Cordelia (and Yuliya). Yuli is my good friend since second grade and Cordelia is her beautiful little daughter. Keep your eyes peeled for a little prize in your mailbox Miss Cordelia!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Originally uploaded by Dan and Ann
Remember to vote today!
If you vote and then leave a comment that you voted, we'll do a drawing of those who commented and award a fun prize.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Let's Dress Up Again!

Sadie woke up on Saturday morning ready to dress up again. This time, she wanted to wear her Cinderella costume. While she was wearing it and playing with her Cinderella doll, I had the idea that I might be able to rig Sadie's less favored Cinderella costume to fit Nell. Sadie couldn't believe her eyes when I brought out Nellie also dressed as Cinderella. She was delighted and Nell was a very good sport about the whole thing.

We're all Cinderellas!

Baby Helena, we're Cinderella together.

(It's hard to see because the dresses all blend together, but Sadie has Nellie holding her little Cinderella doll so there are three sizes of Cinderella in the picture.)

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Halloween, afternoon and evening

Our next stop after the baby party was a little trick or treating in Norwich before Library Lunch.
Checking out the candy
Sadie loved this pumpkin outside the library. It's Cinderella!
Cinderella pumpkin outside the library
After the library, we went to visit Daddy at his lab.
Walking outside
We relaxed a little in the afternoon before heading to the Powerhouse Mall to trick or treat there. After the Powerhouse, we went quickly to the Lebanon Green to see those activities. Isaac and Naomi were there and it was fun to see them.
Pepper, Witch, Pumpkin, Percy
There was also this tiny horse that Sadie loved. It's a real live horse.
Yes, this a real horse.  The kids were amazed.
We came home and Dan took Sadie trick or treating around the neighborhood while Nell and I waited for trick or treaters. We got a few. Sadie came home with quite the stash!
Sadie's collection of loot

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Halloween Recap

We started the day with store-to-store trick or treating in Hanover. I had to do a couple of errands in Hanover, so we multi-tasked.
Candy at Eastman's
Most of the Hanover stores had candy for trick or treaters. The bookstore was giving out adorable canvas trick or treat bags.
At Lou's, all the waitresses were in costume. Sadie was mesmerized and delighted. We also saw a Dartmouth student dressed up like a crayon and the front desk ladies at the Hanover Inn were the three little pigs.

Helena slept through our entire trek through Hanover, which was great because the next activity was for her. It was a baby costume party. These are the babies that Nell became friends with at the new baby group when she was a newborn. Now they all look so big!
More babies
Sadie was a great big sister at the party. She was nice to all the babies, ate a pumpkin muffin and then played so well by herself.
Sisters and pumpkin muffin
Nell fell asleep after the baby party.
Sleepy after the baby party

This was our day up until 11:30. I'll post about the afternoon later. There are many Halloween pics on Flickr, so be sure to visit.