Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Storytime with Bob-Bob

storytime with bob-bob
Originally uploaded by Dan and Ann.
Bob-Bob came to mow the lawn for us and read Sadie some stories. This new book came from the Scholastic Book Order today and was a big hit, as were the snuggles from Bob-Bob.

Sadie is really excited to see Daddy. Today, she said, "I see Daddy when we go to the airport. We can go to the airport tonight?" Just a few more days and then we will!

(If you have noticed some strange formatting, it's because I am trying a new thing where I can blog directly from our photos on Flickr. Still not sure if I like it or not.)


Kara said...

Sadie is so lucky seeing all of the grandparents in such a short period of time! Daddy's home soooo soon! Love,

Sarah and Jack said...

Hmmm, maybe bob bob would like to come mow my grass?? LOL I hate pushing the lawn mower in the heat.

Anonymous said...

I don't like to push a lawn mower either. That's why I bought my self-propelled Honda mower with me! It's a small price to pay to spend time with Sadie.