Daddy is off to France! Bon voyage! We'll miss you and we love you so much! But we are going to have lots of good times to tell you about! Sadie and Daddy share a cuddle with Memphis, the penguin daddy, which Dan got Sadie to hug while he's away. (Daddy comes home in 21 days.)
maybe dan will have another opportunity to go to france and take you guys with him!! thank goodness for the blog. he will at least be able to get frequent updates & pics on sadie!
Wow! That penguin sure is big, but he has large shoes to fill! I also hope that the time flies, and that you guys do a lot of special "just Sadie and her mom" things ...
maybe dan will have another opportunity to go to france and take you guys with him!! thank goodness for the blog. he will at least be able to get frequent updates & pics on sadie!
Great pictures of Dan and Sadie. Try not to miss Dan too much--he'll be home before you know it.
We think that Dan should make a quick getaway north to see the Lundervilles in Amsterdam - don't you agree Sadie?
Aw, so sweet. I hope the time flies.
-Rebecca (rcinpdx)
Wow! That penguin sure is big, but he has large shoes to fill! I also hope that the time flies, and that you guys do a lot of special "just Sadie and her mom" things ...
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