Wednesday, April 11, 2007

First Haircut

Sadie got her first haircut while in NYC. We went to Cozy's Cuts for Kids.

First Haircut, Cozy's Cuts for Kids, NYC

Stylist Janet starts cutting:
(Sadie is watching Lady and The Tramp on a DVD player)

Janet adds a tiny braid and some beads as a finishing touch:

All done! Looking good:


Anonymous said...

Sadie's haircut is so cute. she looks like a "big girl" now! Love Nana

Sarah and Jack said...

The haircut is very cute Sadie!

(In that third photo she has her little fists clenched just like Jack does when he is holding onto his favorite tiny things.)

Ann said...

Sarah, she is holding the beads that she chose for the stylist to pin in her hair. I love those little fists.

Anonymous said...

Seeing Sadie first haircut must have been so much fun. Thanks for sharing the experience by way of pictures.