Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Penguin Mommy

Sadie dressed up and pretended to be "The Penguin Mommy". This imaginative play came from her watching the movie Happy Feet and was started by her re-discovery of a small penguin puppet that she got in January when she went to the New England Aquarium with Grandpa and Grandma.
penguin mommy
The costume included her dance skirt, a shawl tied to make a backpack for the baby penguin and a snow hat (because of the snow in the artic). Snow boots were also included because Sadie wanted to take her baby penguin outside, where Dan was brewing beer.
going to check out the homebrew


Anonymous said...

Very cute! Sadie doesn't lack for imagination, does she?

Kristin said...

Sadie is a very sweet little penguin mommy. I love all of the recent costumes!

Anonymous said...

Her little wrap is the cutest thing ever!