Many of the orchards in our area are not having pick-your-own apples this fall due to an unusual climate pattern in the spring. Very warm days before warm weather usually comes led the trees to bud and blossom early and a hard frost that came after frosts are usually over, destroyed most of the crop. They were literally "nipped in the bud". Our favorite orchard, Poverty Lane, was hit very hard and they don't have enough of crop to let people pick.
We went up this past weekend and it was bizarre to see the trees practically bare of fruit. There were apples in the farm stand, but all the trees where they usually allow picking were bare.
Since they know people like to go into the orchards, they set up an informational walk, which we took and very much enjoyed.

After the walk, we had to support the farm stand, so we bought some mini pumpkins, mums and a bag of delicious apples.

1 comment:
Maybe Nana and Bob-Bob can take the girls apple picking Saturday afternoon when we baby sit. I think the orchards in the Concord area were not as badly hit with the spring frost.
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