There were also some other books displayed that Sadie did not know, like In The Night Kitchen and, most intriguingly, Outside Over There. In this picture, she's clutching a postcard from the exhibit illustrated with a picture from Outside Over There. We read the book later that day at the Norwich Library and Sadie was completely absorbed by this story of big sister Ida who doesn't keep good watch on her baby sister, leading to the baby being taken by goblins and replaced by an ice baby. Luckily Ida is able to find her baby sister and bring her home safe and sound. This story made a big impression and Sadie is still talking a lot about it.
We also visited the Dr. Seuss room at Baker. I showed Sadie how the college students at Baker use wooden planks across the arms of their chairs to make desks. She thought it was pretty cool.
Lucikly, I had a pen and a little notebook in my purse so she could do some "homework".
It is always so wonderful to see new pictures of Sadie as she experiences and reacts to life. As Grandpa always say, "She is so into this life!" And of course, it is you Ann and Dan who nurture her and expose her to many so many opportunities. Well, we send you all lots of love. Hope you are enjoying the weekend, Love and kisses, Grandma
Leave it to you guys to turn a weekend of cold damp weather into a great adventure. I'm sure that Sadie isn't going to let goblins take her baby sister after she is born. No "ice babies" for Sadie!
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