They have bowling shoes in tiny sizes...Sadie loved wearing hers!
She also really liked seeing her orange ball pop back up at our end of the alley.
One really cool thing were the bumpers on the alleys. They are automatic fences to keep the balls from going into the gutters, and you program the computer to put them up for certain players and go down for others. Sadie played with the bumpers and managed a solid lead for a while, until Grandpa came from behind to win.
(Public service announcement: We think you should avoid this bowling alley at night. Dan's co-workers went to bowl that very night, one person's purse was stolen...Inside her purse were her car keys. The thief beeped the keychain, located her car, stole it as well and drove away. The car was recovered the next day, with purse inside it, but of course, all the cash and credit cards were taken. So, we recommend Lanes and Games for daytime bowling only!)
Yes, we had a great time with you!!!!! Okay we will not bowl there at night. You convinced us. Happy almost birthday Dan! Have a great Easter and we are looking forward to seeing you all at Passover. PS Loved your pun (see picture of Sadie and Grandpa)
That looks like it was a lot of fun. Can't wait to see you ! Love Nana
i agree that the bowling alley is a surprisingly fun place to take toddlers. i've told a couple people and they all look at me like i'm crazy. ;)
Great indoor activity while everyone waits for spring. I bet you had fun. Were Grandpa and Dan locked into a head-to-head competition? You didn't mention who came out on top.
Final winner was Grandpa, with Sadie in 2nd place. Dan did quite well, especially since this was only his second time doing the "big ball" bowling.
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