She was fast asleep within a couple of miles of Beth and Jake's house.
The next party was Isaac's 2nd birthday.
Sadie loved playing on all the playground equipment with many of her school friends and eating her chocolate cupcake. We tried get a picture of Sadie and Isaac together and both looking at the camera, but it's a challenge with two kids having so much fun. This was the best we could do.
We had a great time partying with friends but we were all wiped out by the end of the day. Happy birthday, Samuel and Isaac!
Sadie, you are quite the little party girl! It sounds as though you had so much fun!
It's always been clear that Sadie loves a good time! My girls would tell you that the naps help them "Power Up, Mommy!!"
In this one they're both looking at the camera, but Isaac looks a little frazzled from all the fun.
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