Thursday, August 09, 2007

It's that time again...

Time to go to Maine! We leave tomorrow for our annual week in Maine. This week involves a ton of packing and organizing. There isn't any laundry where we go, so lots of toddler clothes need to be packed. It can be cool in the mornings and evenings and hot during the day, so we need things for lots of weather conditions. There are grocery stores nearby, but it can be annoying to go to them when you'd rather be swimming in the lake, so I have stocked up on lots of diapers, swimmies, pull-ups, single serving milk boxes and other crucial Sadie items.

Sadie at Migis in 2005, 8 months old:
bathing beauty
Sadie at Migis in 2006, 1.5 years old:
sneaky grin

And I need to put a delivery hold on the newspaper so we don't come back to a big pile of Valley News in the driveway.


Unknown said...

So cute, I can't wait to see you guys!

Kristin said...

Have a great trip, I look forward to hearing all about it (and seeing pictures too)!

Anonymous said...

Dan and Ann-- Happy 5th Anniversary! Have fun in Maine- take lots of pictures! Kiss Sadie for me. Love Nana

diana said...

sounds like fun! and i love the old pics of sadie.

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful holiday! I'm looking forward to seeing the 2007 pic of Sadie :)

Anonymous said...

Nice series of pictures. I'm looking forward to seeing this year's photos. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!