Ann: What are his nipples for?
Sadie (pauses to think): For nippling!
Sadie (playing with her fork and spoon at the table): My two pencils! Two pencils.
Dan: Those aren't pencils, Sadie.
Sadie: Yes! My two pencils.
Ann: No sweetie, that's a fork and a spoon.
Sadie: Two pencils!
Ann: Oh, you mean "utensils!"
Sadie (delighted expression): Yes, you pencils.
Sadie: I'm a bird. I'm in an egg! I'm out of the shell. I'm a birdie. My little birdie in my belly. Oh, she's out. Teeny tiny baby birdie. Hi baby! Wanna eat some eggs for dinner, baby birdie? I go back in the shell now. Hatch me, Mommy!
(Unrelated, but cute pic of Sadie relaxing by the pool in Florida...)
Those are great quotes -- you had us both giggling! Well, I need to go wash my dinner "you pencils" now.
Sadie can always make a day seem sunnier :)
The second tale cracks me up the most!
I would have never figured out that "two pencils" was utensils--just another typical word for a two year old!! Do you have her doing crossword puzzles already?
The reason I realized she was trying to say utensils is because when she was helping me set the table, I remembered that I had said to her, "Put these utensils on your placemat."
I love it! And you are expert translators. We are still in this phase...
Theda: Ble zaa fwoo?
Me: Um. You want some crayons?
[tantrum ensues]
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