Sadie: Hi! What's you name, lady?
Woman: I'm Erika. What's your name?
Sadie: Sadie-Baby!
Also in the supermarket:
Woman: How old are you, little girl?
Sadie: I two in Decender! I big!
(When people ask me how old Sadie is, I often say "She was two in December.")
In the morning:
Sadie (singing, sort of to the tune of the alphabet song): I drink milk and Mommy and Daddy drink coffeeeeee! I like milk! I like cimmanin toast for breffest! I singing about food!
In the car:
Raffi, singing: "And I need some clean water for drinking; And I need some clean air for breathing; So that I can grow up big and strong: And take my place where I belong..."
Sadie: I beyong at home!
Mommy: That's true, Sadie. Where does Mommy belong?
Sadie: Mommy beyong at Mommy's work.
At home:
Sadie: Daddy's the Pince, and Mommy's Cinda-Reya and I'm Seeping Beauty. Let's dance togethah!
Sadie, what's with your hair? You look like you stuck your finger in a light socket! Thanks for all the new quotes, Ann. I'm glad that you all such fun at the pond party--an ice slide, sugar snow and hamburgers. It doesn't get any better than that.
LOL! Jack just thinks his name is "baby." He will often say "no, that is the baby's!" I really must get on teaching him to answer 2 when asked how old he is.
This is hilarious!
I love Sadie's cute little sayings!
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