We frosted them with cream cheese frosting and Sadie sprinkled them with pink sparkling sugar. They were delicious. I wish I had one right now!
Sadie is starting to love chocolate. Today, we were grocery shopping and she saw some chocolate santas. She said, "Choclit kendy! I want it in ma mouth! Kendy! Peese!!"
We had our first "real" snowfall last night and there were about 2 inches on the ground this morning. Sadie put on snow pants and a jacket and played outside for a little while, but it's very cold today and after about 10 minutes, she asked to go back in.
What a nice picture of Sadie helping Ann out in the kitchen. The matching aprons are a nice touch! I wonder if the chocolate cravings can be blamed on her Nana who has an affection for all types of chocalate. Sorry about the arrival of winter, but it had to happen sooner or later.
I can hear her sweet little voice asking for candy in my head, since Jack is also quite fond of all things sweet and tasty. He has been asking me for candy corn ever since he discovered them at Halloween!
The candy comment is so funny - I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about how we develop preferences for food (especially based on our parents' attitudes about what's good/bad/accessible/forbidden). I was talking with someone just yesterday who said that people's taste preferences vary so much and we should just get everyone to prefer healthy foods. Sadie clearly showed how untrue that is - most people like sweet, fat and salt no matter what upbringing you've had!
(clearly my thoughts are simplified due to the fact that this is a blog comment :)
The fact that we love sweet and fatty foods makes perfect sense from an evolutionary standpoint. In the past, we all were subsisting on what we could get, and sweet and fatty foods are highest in energy content by weight - so we sought them out. No one lived very long either, so heart disease was the least of our worries. Starvation was much more of a concern. Of course, you probably have heard this Kate, I'm just throwing it out there.
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