We had a wonderful time in NYC, including Kate and Ry4an's beautiful, super-fun wedding, tons of quality time with Grandpa, Grandma and Aunt Jenny, meeting Baby Cordelia in person, and lots more.
We're rapidly approaching "Ha'ween!" (as Sadie calls Halloween). She is very excited to wear her "Ha'ween ca-foom" (Halloween costume). Her daycare will be visiting a local nursing home in their costumes and in the evening, we will trick-or-treat at the Powerhouse Mall.
In November, many blog writers are pledging to post on their blog every single day. I think I am going to try it. We look forward to lots of comments to support the many posts.
We truly had the best time with Sadie and of course, her parents. It is rare for all of us to be together, so it was especially meaningful. There are so many happy memories, including Sadie reaching up her hands to walk hand in hand with us, Sadie calling "Jen Jen" and Jenny answering "Say Say" and going on the carousel with everyone. We look forward to seeing your pictures. Ours are very cute. Much love, Grandma and Grandpa
I'm sure you had a wonderful time. I'll bet Sadie loved being with everyone! Get the pictures going in time for some Halloween pictures! Love Nana
I, for one, will support you with frequent comments--daily, if possible. The blog brings me so much pleasure, and I appreciate the effort that it must take to do it. Sharing Sadie's development with text and pictures helps keep everyone connected to Sadie's world. Thank you for all you do.
daily posts are a bit of work and sometimes a struggle to find something 'fresh' to write about...based on my experience. ;-) i will definitely be checking in frequently to read the daily postings! see you on halloween!
NYC sounds like fun! I love that polka dot jacket.
I am looking forward to a whole month of Sadie pictures!
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