Dear Daddy,
I hope you had a happy Father's Day yesterday. I love you so much! You are my special friend. We always have fun together because you think of games that make me laugh and you make great animal noises. I like to ride on your shoulders and hold your hand. I love it when you pick me up from daycare. It's so funny when you pretend to sleep and I wake you up. I like when you take me for a walk in the backpack or for a ride on my trike. You are the best Daddy in the world and I am lucky to have you!
Love and kisses,
Dear Grampy and Grandpa,
A little girl couldn't ask for better grandfathers than you two! You love me so much, so I love you right back. You are the best! I love spending time with you.
Love and kisses,
Sadie, Thank you for the nice Father's Day wish. I especially enjoyed getting hugs and kisses first hand yesterday. I hope your Grandpa didn't miss seeing you and your Mom too much on Father's Day.
Thank you Sadie!
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