As Nellie gets older, she and Sadie are starting to really play together and have a good time. This game involved two boxes, a scarf and a train whistle...they were on a train ride together!
A sweet sister story:
Helena was at day care today. Sadie had a half day of school. Since I had a short meeting in the afternoon in Hanover, I arranged for a Dartmouth student to watch Sadie while I was in the meeting.
I gave the babysitter some cash and said she could take Sadie to the bookstore, hang out there and Sadie could get a book. When they came back, Sadie had chosen something for herself, but she had also selected and bought a book for Helena, totally unprompted!
She made a good choice too. Nellie loves "Elmo's Valentine" and we have already read it a number of times.