Friday, January 30, 2009

I'll do it myself

Originally uploaded by Dan and Ann
Nellie loves to "feed" herself. She'll allow us to feed her, but she's much more excited when she can do it herself. Favorite foods these days are squash, sweet potatoes, rice and bread.

Her messiness cracks Sadie up.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Catching Up

Good Clean Fun
Originally uploaded by Dan and Ann
Sorry for the long hiatus in updating the blog. We've been really busy. Everything is good here though.

Nellie had her 6 month check-up. She weighs 17 pounds and is meeting all her milestones. She is enjoying daycare and "crawling" around on the floor at home. She's not really crawling, but she has her method and she can get around quite quickly.

Sadie is having fun at daycare and with her Saturday gymnastics class. On Fridays, we have been alternating between Library Lunch and Tot Lot Gym and sometimes having playdates with friends.

We had a great visit with Grandma, Grandpa and Jenny while Dan was in Taos. That was a lot of fun. Thanks for coming to see us!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hope and Excitement

Congratulations to President Barack Hussein Obama. We look forward to the future with hope and excitement for change that will make the world a better place for our girls.



(Images from

Friday, January 16, 2009

Thanks Nana!

Sisters 1
Originally uploaded by Dan and Ann
Nana came to spend a few days with us this week and help out. We had such a fun time with her and it was super helpful to have an extra pair of hands. Thank you so very much, Nana! We love you!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Favorite Pastimes

Sadie likes to make art:
At work

Pencil Behind Ear

Nellie likes to sit:
Super Cute Overall Lady

(We are loving Dan's new camera!)

Friday, January 09, 2009


Baby Mum Mum
Originally uploaded by Dan and Ann
Helena loves to eat. She is gobbling down baby food and reaching for the spoon for more. After she's done, she smooshes her bib into her mouth to lick off any more food she can find. Here's Nellie intently focused on eating a Baby Mum Mum cracker.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Six Months or Compare/Contrast

Helena, 6 months

Sadie, 6 months

The top picture is Nellie, nearly 6 months old.
The bottom picture is Sadie, 6 months old.

I love when we happen to get pictures at a similar age in a similar pose!

Monday, January 05, 2009

Back to Routine

quilt baby
Originally uploaded by Dan and Ann
Our holiday weeks are over and we are back to our routine of work and school. We had a great break, but it feels good to be getting back to our schedule.

Over the break, Sadie and Nellie's daycare was purchased and is now being run by Green Mountain/White Mountain Daycare. So far, so good. Many of the teachers are the same and Sadie's beloved Jennie is back. They've done lots of renovation and changes to the building and it looks great.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Fun Times with Sister

It's very hard to get a good photo of the girls together, but here are some cute ones from the past week or so.

New Year's Eve (matching dresses from Auntie Kara):


Sadie teaching Nellie how to use the baby piano toy:


Sadie set up this tea party for her dolls and then invited Nellie to join in the fun:

(left to right: "O'Ryan", "Marissa", Nellie, "Eleanor")
There were tea cups and plastic food set on the table but Sadie took them away when Nellie tried to put them in her mouth.

Friday, January 02, 2009

First Tooth

Apple Oatmeal Smile
Originally uploaded by Dan and Ann
Dan discovered Nellie's first tooth peeking through on New Year's Eve. It's a front bottom tooth. She doesn't seem to be much bothered by it, thank goodness!

The tooth will come in handy as she starts solid food. Here, she's enjoying applesauce mixed with oatmeal.