It was a cool and windy day yesterday. Helena was napping and Sadie was relaxing on the couch with an after-lunch movie, when we heard a very loud sound and all the power went out. Our willow tree had blown over, hit the roof of the house and rolled down the roof, landing in front of/on the house.

Nellie slept right through most of the excitement, including the arrival of the firemen and police, with sirens. Sadie was startled by the loud noise from the tree falling and then quite worried when the firemen came into the house to check for damage and inspect the powerlines. Fireman Dan was extremely nice to her and soon put her at ease.
It was quite a scene for a while as we had police cars, firemen with their trucks, two trucks from the power company and a guy from the tree company all checking it out.
The sheriff came by later to make sure all was well. Luckily, everything is fine. Our insurance will cover all the tree removal costs and the pretty superficial scratch damage to my car.

A tree crew arrived within two hours of the fall and cut up and chipped the entire tree. It was pretty fun to watch them at work. They gave Sadie a branch of the tree and a slice of the trunk to bring it to school for Sharing Time.
Power was restored, as was cable. The phone is working, although the phone line is drooping down over the driveway and won't be fixed until early next week. The rest of the tree will need to come down within the next week or so.

And that was our exciting Friday.