Sunday, September 28, 2008

Baby's First Dartmouth Football

And they lost (of course).

Helena seemed to like the game, at least until she fell asleep.

Sadie preferred her huge rice krispie treat and her balloon D to any of the football action.

But we still had a great time with Grandma and Grandpa!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Riverview Farm

On Sunday morning, Nana came to visit and we went to Riverview Farm to pick apples. We didn't end up picking any apples because Sadie didn't like the mushy apples underfoot and most of the apples were above her reach, but we had a lot of fun with other activities.

Sadie had cider and a donut.

Helena relaxed in the grass.

We all walked through the corn maze and Daddy and Nellie posed in this pumpkin head cut-out. Sadie would not put her head through.

We posed Sadie by the wheelbarrow like we do every year, but she just made goofy faces and wouldn't smile.

Sadie, Nana and Daddy took a horse and wagon ride and we bought cider and apples to bring home. It was a great fall activity!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Do they look alike?

Do they look alike?
Originally uploaded by Dan and Ann
Do Sadie and Helena look alike? We think they do. Their faces are the same shape. Their eyes, eyebrows and mouths are very similar. Their noses are a little different, but Sadie's nose has changed since she was a baby. The big difference in appearance seems to be their coloring. Helena is not as bald as baby Sadie was and her hair is darker. Nell's skin tone is different and we think her eyes may turn out to be blue. They are actually getting more blue and lighter as time goes by.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Photo Strip
Originally uploaded by Dan and Ann
When we were at the Willows a few weeks ago, I saw a photo booth and immediately brought both girls in for photos. I love these old photo booths. This was a really good one, with black and white real film photographs. Most of the time now, photo booths use digital cameras.

Sadie and I had a lot of fun in the booth. As you can see from her expression, Helena was a little concerned about the whole thing.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Dance Class

Dancing with Scarves
Originally uploaded by Dan and Ann
This past Saturday, Sadie started dance class at Creative Movement School of Dance. Her class is for 3 and 4 year olds and includes tap, ballet and jazz dance! Sadie had a great time in the class. She was really excited, participated the whole time and loved wearing the dance clothes and shoes.

During the ballet section of the class, they divided the kids into two groups. One group had blue scarves and tried to copy Miss Ellie and the others had red scarves and copied Miss Tammi. Here's Sadie with her blue scarf, following Miss Ellie's movements.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Lots of Stripes

Matching Sisters
Originally uploaded by Dan and Ann
Sadie loves to wear matching clothes with Nell, so she was thrilled by these pajamas, which we got as a gift from Matt and Christine. It's definitely becoming fall here, with colder nights especially, so the footie pajamas are most welcome!

Helena is becoming more and more responsive to Sadie. This morning, she sat in her bumbo for a long time while Sadie read her a story. Sadie was delighted that Baby Nellie was listening to her!

Monday, September 08, 2008

2 months, 1 day

Happy 2 month birthday, Helena! We love you!
Here's Nellie enjoying her two month birthday present...we got her a Bumbo seat! She loves sitting in it and being part of the action.
I know she'll be embarrassed later, but I had to take these pictures in just a diaper because her baby pudge is the cutest!

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Visiting the Great-Grandparents

On Saturday, Sadie and Helena went to visit their great-grandparents.

Grammy and Grampy are Bob-Bob's parents and Sadie was very interested that they live in the house where Bob-Bob lived when he was a little boy named Bobby and that Grammy and Grampy are his mommy and daddy. Sadie has visited Grammy and Grampy many times before, but I think this was the first time she connected the family relationship.

This was the first time that Grammy and Grampy met Helena and it was a very happy meeting for everyone. The girls were incredibly good, despite the hot and humid weather and the early start to the day.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Blueberry Picking

sweaty with berries
Originally uploaded by Dan and Ann
We went blueberry picking today at Riverview Farm with Katie and Tavyn and their moms and the little sisters. It was HOT out there...much more like July than September.

More pictures.

We had a really good time.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Happy Birthday, friends!

Happy Birthday Isaac! We hope you like being three!
Happy Birthday Sam! We hope you like being two!


Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Small Friends

Helena's baby friends
Originally uploaded by Dan and Ann
This is too cute not to share...Helena and all her little friends from the 4th Trimester Mommy/Baby group. Of course, she is the only one not looking at the camera...I was silly enough to stand to the side while another mom took the picture so she is looking at me!